About The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy

The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, Inc. has been formed as a voluntary membership organization and association to provide the service of networking, education, promotion, and marketing for our member therapists. We have also included a helpful Hypnotherapist Finder Search Engine in this webpage.
Within our Hypnotherapist Finder you will be able to search all those members who choose to have their professional practices listed for the general public to search for a PBH Certified Hypnotherapist. Please be advised that not all of our members are listed within the directory, only those who choose to list on our internet data base. Some members, for whatever reason, may choose not to be listed. Our Hypnotherapist Finder database service is a free service provided by the PBH we don’t charge for referrals we offer to the general public.

The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy has been set up to provide a very valuable service, that of providing an inclusive voluntary membership organization in which all trained and certified practitioners of hypnosis, by whatever name they may be called, may be included as a member should they qualify for membership. We certify based upon hypnosis training and hours of training received in the hypnosis field. Our members include a vast array of Certified Hypnotists, Hypnotherapists, Master Hypnotists, and many other professionals from other disciplines, such as, Medicine, Social Work, and Psychology who also have approved certified hypnosis training. Trained Hypnotherapists and students can benefit from being involved in a vast network individuals interested in the ethical practice of hypnosis.

The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, Inc. has expanded its services by providing training and certification courses. We also provide a listing of approved training institutions, marketing, networking, increased internet presence, annual conventions and meetings, local meetings and chapters in your area.

This association of Hypnotherapists is designed to bring individuals together for the purpose of self-regulating ourselves within our profession by providing ethical standards to practitioners of hypnosis who wish to hold themselves to a high standard of ethics and clinical practice.

Our goal and intent is to recognize and promote the profession of hypnosis which can be, and is, practiced by a diverse group of individuals with a wide range of education and backgrounds.

The Mission Quick Facts:

  • To link Hypnotherapists worldwide who are interested in networking, promotion, education, and ethics.
  • To allow members to participate in the promotion of Professional Hypnotherapy.
  • To allow our members to self-regulate themselves through the implementation of our own Code of Ethics and the Professional Code of Rights and Responsibilities.
  • Monitoring of laws, rules, regulation, practice, and the knowledge base of hypnosis in hypnosis practice.

Membership Availabilities:

As an inclusive Hypnotherapist association we have established a number of Hypnotherapist categories for the purpose of defining therapist training and credentials. A member may register as a Certified Hypnotherapist which requires a minimum of 50 classroom or distance learning hours of training in hypnosis.

Or, an individual may register as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. A Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist requires the member to have earned a degree or advanced degree through an accredited University, also must be registered with a professional association approved by the State or Province in which the Hypnotherapist resides in; plus, a minimum of 50 class hours of training in hypnosis.

Certification as a Master Hypnotist may register by filling out their application and providing evidence of a minimum of 200 hours of hypnosis training.

For further information on membership categories and descriptions please view our membership section of this website. These descriptions are also listed in our membership guide. Other categories of membership include Certified Hypnosis Instructor, and Approved Hypnosis Training School. The Hypnosis Instructor designation requires a records and background check by the PBH, and the member must provide proof of the instructors qualifications to deliver hypnosis educational programs. The Approved Hypnosis School Certification is available for those educational institutions who meet our requirements of certification as described in our membership guide. Approved Schools can then offer their their graduates the ability to be certified by the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy, Inc. We require all of our Approved Hypnosis Training Schools to teach a portion of their curriculum in the ethics of hypnosis practice.

Detailed Guide:


One main focus of our association is networking via the internet website, newsletters, and our conferences. We offer the Hypnotherapist Finder service on our website, so that the general public can easily reach our members via our database listing. We also offer free referrals to our members via e-mail and our website. Other features are certificates which are suitable for framing, newsletters via the mail and also e-mail, educational CEU credit opportunities, and annual conventions and retreats.


We aim to promote the use of ethical standards and regulations within the hypnosis community. As such, all certified members must, and do, agree to adhere to our Code of Ethics and to our Professional Code of Rights and Responsibilities. Members subscribe to and promote the highest standards of the hypnotherapy profession.


The PBH promotes the ethical use of hypnosis by certified hypnotherapy professionals internationally. Members promote and strive to educate the general public and to other professionals about the safe use of the art and science of hypnosis. Members also strive to promote the use of hypnosis as viable, safe, scientific, and effective means of helping motivated individuals achieve personal success. We believe that hypnosis is safe when utilized by trained, ethical, and certified practitioners.

The Professional Board of Hypnotherapy is designed to promote the high standards of professional practice of hypnosis by Hypnotherapists, Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit Workers. Our internet site is in place to offer visibility of our members to a global audience. All members who wish to list their business contact information on the PBH website may do so on our Hypnotherapist Finder database. Please contact the PBH for a free information and certification kit.

Other Benefits of Membership:

  • Networking, Education, and Promotion.
  •  Certificates for Framing.
  •  Networking.
  • On-line Marketing and Promotions.
  • Hypnotherapist Referral Line: 1-888-686-6163.
  • Professional Discounts for Webpage Development Packages.
  • Conventions.
  • Certification Training.
  • Advanced Hypnotherapy Training.
  • Counselor Training.
  • Access to Support and Information via our Hypnosis Help Line: 1-888-686-6163.
  • Use of our PBH Logo.
  • Professional Development, Enrichment, and Education


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”
– Aristotle.

Alan Eastman, DCH.